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Pro-Series Inshore
(Backcountry / Tarpon / Shark)
From 1,000 Pakistani rupees
From Rs 1,000
Service Description
A trip for anglers wanting to try it all in one day! This 8-hour fishing adventure requires special preparation, depending on the time of year, species targeted, baits, and presentations utilized. Captain Al will guide you to his unique spots around the mangrove islands and backcountry of SW Florida for the best action!
This unique fishing charter will target snook, redfish, seatrout (speckled trout), tarpon, and some close offshore species (weather permitting).
It’s an exciting, full-day fishing experience that will test the agility and ability of all anglers for the “fishing trip of a lifetime.” This charter has a maximum of 3 persons.
1-2 Persons $1000
3 Persons $1100